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Breast Reduction Surgery on the Rise in India: Is It Right for You?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is an important decision that can have a profound impact on a person's physical and emotional well-being. Experts have shared that breast reduction surgery has been on the rise in India in the last 5 years. While the decision to undergo this procedure is highly personal and should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional, there are many factors to consider when determining the right time for breast reduction surgery.

Physical discomfort and pain
One of the primary reasons individuals choose breast reduction surgery is to relieve the physical discomfort and pain caused by excessively large breasts. A study published in the Open Orthopedic Journal evaluated numerous studies that found that large breasts can cause curvature of the spine and that breast reduction surgery often helps relieve associated pain. If you experience severe neck, back, or shoulder pain, indentation from bra straps, or skin irritation under the breasts, these may be signs that it may be time to consider breast reduction surgery.

Difficulty with physical activities
Large breasts can also make it challenging to engage in physical activities such as exercise, sports, or even simple tasks such as bending or reaching. Flinders University surveyed 1987 women, more than 50% of whom agreed that reducing their breast size would encourage them to exercise. 75% believe it will improve their exercise performance. If your breast size hinders your ability to lead an active lifestyle or participate in activities you enjoy, it may be worth exploring the option of breast reduction surgery.

Emotional and psychological impact
The emotional and psychological impact of large breasts should not be underestimated. Many individuals with large breasts experience self-consciousness, body image issues, and difficulties finding clothes that fit comfortably. If your breast size has a negative impact on your self-esteem, body confidence, or quality of life, it may be a sign that breast reduction surgery is the right option.

What you need to know before undergoing breast reduction surgery

If you think breast reduction surgery might help you, here's a safe, standard, and responsible way to go about it:

Consult an expert
Ultimately, the decision to undergo breast reduction surgery should be made in consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast procedures. During your consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your medical history, physical condition, breast size, and personal goals to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. They will also discuss the potential risks, benefits and expected outcomes based on your unique circumstances.

Stable weight and health
It is important to have breast reduction surgery when your weight is stable and overall health is good. Significant fluctuations in weight can affect the results of surgery, so it is advisable to reach a healthy and maintainable weight before proceeding with the procedure. Additionally, being in good health reduces the risks associated with surgery and promotes good healing outcomes.